We need new names

Bulawayo, Noviolet

We need new names

Abstract: Darling and her friends live in a Zimbabwe shanty town called Paradise and dream of the luxuries of America, Dubai and Europe, where all the stars live. But when Darling does try to carve out a life for herself far from home, she realises this new paradise brings its own set of challenges. Shortlisted for the 2013 Man Booker Prize. 'Often heartbreaking, but also pulsing with colour and energy' Kate Saunders, "The Times".

Titel / Verantwortliche: We need new names / Noviolet Bulawayo

Veröffentlichung: Random House , 2014

Physische Beschreibung: 294 Seiten

ISBN: 9780099581888


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

  • englisch
Allgemeine Daten (100)
  • Datumstyp: Jahr (bestimmtes Datum)
  • Datum: 2014
  • Target: Jugend
Texte (105)
  • Genre: Belletristik
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APA:Bulawayo, N..(2014). We need new names Random House .

MLA:Bulawayo, Noviolet, . We need new names Random House .2014.

Chicago:Bulawayo, Noviolet, . (2014). We need new names Random House .

Harvard:Bulawayo, N..(2014). We need new names Random House .

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