Blue Lily, Lily Blue

Stiefvater, Maggie

Blue Lily, Lily Blue

Abstract: Blue Sargent has found things. For the first time in her life, she has friends she can trust, a group to which she can belong. The Raven Boys have taken her in as one of their own. Their problems have become hers, and her problems have become theirs. The trick with found things, though, is how easily they can be lost. Friends can betray. Mothers can disappear. Visions can mislead. Certainties can unravel. source:

Titel / Verantwortliche: Blue Lily, Lily Blue / Maggie Stiefvater

Veröffentlichung: Scholastic, 2014

Physische Beschreibung: 389 pages

Reihen: The raven cycle ; 3

ISBN: 9781407136639


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

  • englisch
Allgemeine Daten (100)
  • Datumstyp: Jahr (bestimmtes Datum)
  • Datum: 2014
  • Target: Jugend
Texte (105)
  • Genre: Belletristik
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APA:Stiefvater, M..(2014). Blue Lily, Lily Blue Scholastic.

MLA:Stiefvater, Maggie, . Blue Lily, Lily Blue Scholastic.2014.

Chicago:Stiefvater, Maggie, . (2014). Blue Lily, Lily Blue Scholastic.

Harvard:Stiefvater, M..(2014). Blue Lily, Lily Blue Scholastic.

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